Quality Initiative : 2.3.1
Through the development of independent and autonomous learning, student-centric teaching-learning focuses on shifting the responsibility for instruction from the instructor to the students.
Experimentation Learning
Using experiential learning projects as a pedagogical method to create value in engineering education, it is a combination of projects, classroom activities, and real-world experiences to create an exciting and engaging engineering course for students.
- To assist students in developing their concepts into a functional prototype, project work, mini-projects, laboratory exercises, and conferences are held.
- All students are provided with workshops and seminars pertaining to their courses.
- To help them transition from academic to real-world industrial requirements, fast track students are permitted to participate in internship programmes.
- The purpose of the internship is to increase the students' practical experience.
Participative Learning
- Students are encouraged to join organizations like the IEI. They take part in a variety of technical events such conferences, workshops, and seminars.
- Events held by intra- and inter-college organisations encourage students to take part in co-curricular and extracurricular activities. The students are strongly encouraged to participate in Seminar/ workshops, Value added courses, Innovative projects and competitions and Industrial training/internship.
- Design/development of solutions: Students attempt to develop solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components/processes that meet the specified needs of real-time cases through group analysis, brainstorming etc.
- Mind Maps for creativity: Teachers create a central node on a Mind Map and provide students the freedom to expand and develop novel ideas. Flipped Classes, blended learning and model making methods are introduced for selected topics to enhance participative learning.
- Students are encouraged and presently made mandatory to take (Massive Open Online Courses) MOOCs offered by premier institutions of the country. They include online lectures, demonstrations and interaction through skype sessions