Quality Initiative

Quality Initiative : 2.6.2

Attainment is reported only for intersection of CO-PO/PSO which has been mapped with 1/2/3

Definition of attainment computation items


Is set for a course, applies to all CO’s of a course and is the minimum % age of marks that need to be obtained by a student to be considered for computation of attainment 


Is set in % age of students that will score above the threshold and Is set for each CO in a course

CO attainment calculation

  1. Number of students having marks equal to or more than threshold level in the respective CO is counted.
  2. The number of students attempted the question mapping to the CO has also been counted.
  3. %CO attained for each CO = (1) / (2) *100
  4. Similarly, CO attainment is calculated for SEE.
  5. Final CO attainment is the average CO attainment obtained in CIE and SEE. 

Target is set for each CO individually, only CO attainment >= target value is said to be attained.

PO attainment calculation

PO attainment is calculated using the following formula.

PO = (∑ (weight * CO attainment) / 3)/ Number of COs

Where weight = 3(strongly related) or 2(moderately related) or 1(weakly   Related)