Quality Initiative

Quality Initiative : 7.1.9

India has always placed a high value on ethics and values, and the Constitution of India reflects this. It is the guiding principle for all Indian citizens to become responsible and ethical individuals. Educational institutions play a crucial role in inculcating values for responsible citizenship, and there are several activities that these institutions undertake to achieve this goal.

Value Based Education:  Our institution offer value-based education to students. This kind of education aims to impart an ethical and moral foundation to students that will help them become responsible citizens. The educational institutions teach moral values and ethics through various means such as Role of Engineers in society, General knowledge and English learning programmes, Creativity, smart thinking smart work program, Values in life and Social Skill Development.

Community Services:  community service is an essential part of the curriculum. It provides students with an opportunity to learn about the importance of being responsible and ethical citizens by helping the community. Our Institution encourage students to participate in various community service activities such as blood donation camps, tree plantations, orphanage and old age home visits.

Civic Education: Civic education is another critical activity that our institution undertake. It aims to teach students about their rights and responsibilities as Indian citizens. Civic education covers topics such as the Voter id linking, crime prevention day, crime prevention month program,Programme on scheme and benefits in rural development, Road Safety and Legal Awareness, citizenship, and voting rights. It also teaches students about the importance of civic participation and the role of citizens in building a strong nation.

Leadership Training: Our institution also offer leadership training to students. It helps in developing responsible leaders who can work towards the betterment of society. These training programs help students develop skills such as decision-making, problem-solving, communication, and teamwork.

Cultural Activities: Cultural activities play an important role in inculcating values for being responsible citizens. Our institution celebrate various cultural events and festivals such as Independence Day, Republic Day, teachers day,  Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Jayanthi  and Gandhi Jayanti. These events provide an opportunity for students to learn about India's history, culture, and values.

Environmental activities:

 Environmental education is another critical activity carried out. It aims to teach students about the importance of preserving the environment and natural resources. Our institute takes initiatives to promote environmental sustainability by implementing eco-friendly practices and conducting awareness campaigns such as Bharath Swachata Pakwad, Reduction in energy consumption, Green and clean campus, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan, Shramadana and plantation programme, International day of forest, Plantation programme, Plastic free society, Kalyani cleaning programme, Save nature and Save Future program on world environment day, One student and one tree campaign.